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Model your data and store it in a database.

# app/users/
from plain import models
from plain.passwords.models import PasswordField

class User(models.Model):
    email = models.EmailField(unique=True)
    password = PasswordField()
    is_staff = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

    def __str__(self):

Create, update, and delete instances of your models:

from .models import User

# Create a new user
user = User.objects.create(
    email="[email protected]",

# Update a user = "[email protected]"

# Delete a user

# Query for users
staff_users = User.objects.filter(is_staff=True)


# app/

To connect to a database, you can provide a DATABASE_URL environment variable.


Or you can manually define the DATABASES setting.

# app/
    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "plain.models.backends.postgresql",
        "NAME": "dbname",
        "USER": "user",
        "PASSWORD": "password",
        "HOST": "localhost",
        "PORT": "5432",

Multiple backends are supported, including Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite.



Migration docs


Field docs


Indexes and constraints



   1import os
   2import subprocess
   3import sys
   4import time
   5from importlib import import_module
   6from itertools import takewhile
   8import click
  10from plain.models import migrations
  11from plain.models.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, OperationalError, connections, router
  12from plain.models.migrations.autodetector import MigrationAutodetector
  13from plain.models.migrations.executor import MigrationExecutor
  14from plain.models.migrations.loader import AmbiguityError, MigrationLoader
  15from plain.models.migrations.migration import Migration, SwappableTuple
  16from plain.models.migrations.optimizer import MigrationOptimizer
  17from plain.models.migrations.questioner import (
  18    InteractiveMigrationQuestioner,
  19    MigrationQuestioner,
  20    NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner,
  22from plain.models.migrations.recorder import MigrationRecorder
  23from plain.models.migrations.state import ModelState, ProjectState
  24from plain.models.migrations.utils import get_migration_name_timestamp
  25from plain.models.migrations.writer import MigrationWriter
  26from plain.packages import packages
  27from plain.runtime import settings
  28from plain.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule
  29from plain.utils.text import Truncator
  33def cli():
  34    pass
  39    "--database",
  40    default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS,
  41    help=(
  42        "Nominates a database onto which to open a shell. Defaults to the "
  43        '"default" database.'
  44    ),
  46@click.argument("parameters", nargs=-1)
  47def db_shell(database, parameters):
  48    """Runs the command-line client for specified database, or the default database if none is provided."""
  49    connection = connections[database]
  50    try:
  51        connection.client.runshell(parameters)
  52    except FileNotFoundError:
  53        # Note that we're assuming the FileNotFoundError relates to the
  54        # command missing. It could be raised for some other reason, in
  55        # which case this error message would be inaccurate. Still, this
  56        # message catches the common case.
  57        click.secho(
  58            "You appear not to have the %r program installed or on your path."
  59            % connection.client.executable_name,
  60            fg="red",
  61            err=True,
  62        )
  63        sys.exit(1)
  64    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
  65        click.secho(
  66            '"{}" returned non-zero exit status {}.'.format(
  67                " ".join(e.cmd),
  68                e.returncode,
  69            ),
  70            fg="red",
  71            err=True,
  72        )
  73        sys.exit(e.returncode)
  77def db_wait():
  78    """Wait for the database to be ready"""
  79    attempts = 0
  80    while True:
  81        attempts += 1
  82        waiting_for = []
  84        for conn in connections.all():
  85            try:
  86                conn.ensure_connection()
  87            except OperationalError:
  88                waiting_for.append(conn.alias)
  90        if waiting_for:
  91            click.secho(
  92                f"Waiting for database (attempt {attempts}): {', '.join(waiting_for)}",
  93                fg="yellow",
  94            )
  95            time.sleep(1.5)
  96        else:
  97            click.secho(f"Database ready: {', '.join(connections)}", fg="green")
  98            break
 102@click.argument("package_labels", nargs=-1)
 104    "--dry-run",
 105    is_flag=True,
 106    help="Just show what migrations would be made; don't actually write them.",
 108@click.option("--merge", is_flag=True, help="Enable fixing of migration conflicts.")
 109@click.option("--empty", is_flag=True, help="Create an empty migration.")
 111    "--noinput",
 112    "--no-input",
 113    "no_input",
 114    is_flag=True,
 115    help="Tells Plain to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.",
 117@click.option("-n", "--name", help="Use this name for migration file(s).")
 119    "--check",
 120    is_flag=True,
 121    help="Exit with a non-zero status if model changes are missing migrations and don't actually write them.",
 124    "--update",
 125    is_flag=True,
 126    help="Merge model changes into the latest migration and optimize the resulting operations.",
 129    "-v",
 130    "--verbosity",
 131    type=int,
 132    default=1,
 133    help="Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output",
 135def makemigrations(
 136    package_labels, dry_run, merge, empty, no_input, name, check, update, verbosity
 138    """Creates new migration(s) for packages."""
 140    written_files = []
 141    interactive = not no_input
 142    migration_name = name
 143    check_changes = check
 145    def log(msg, level=1):
 146        if verbosity >= level:
 147            click.echo(msg)
 149    def write_migration_files(changes, update_previous_migration_paths=None):
 150        """Take a changes dict and write them out as migration files."""
 151        directory_created = {}
 152        for package_label, package_migrations in changes.items():
 153            log(
 154      "Migrations for '{package_label}':", fg="cyan", bold=True),
 155                level=1,
 156            )
 157            for migration in package_migrations:
 158                writer = MigrationWriter(migration)
 159                migration_string = os.path.relpath(writer.path)
 160                log(f"  {, fg='yellow')}\n", level=1)
 161                for operation in migration.operations:
 162                    log(f"    - {operation.describe()}", level=1)
 164                if not dry_run:
 165                    migrations_directory = os.path.dirname(writer.path)
 166                    if not directory_created.get(package_label):
 167                        os.makedirs(migrations_directory, exist_ok=True)
 168                        init_path = os.path.join(migrations_directory, "")
 169                        if not os.path.isfile(init_path):
 170                            open(init_path, "w").close()
 171                        directory_created[package_label] = True
 173                    migration_string = writer.as_string()
 174                    with open(writer.path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
 175                        fh.write(migration_string)
 176                        written_files.append(writer.path)
 178                    if update_previous_migration_paths:
 179                        prev_path = update_previous_migration_paths[package_label]
 180                        if writer.needs_manual_porting:
 181                            log(
 183                                    f"Updated migration {migration_string} requires manual porting.\n"
 184                                    f"Previous migration {os.path.relpath(prev_path)} was kept and "
 185                                    f"must be deleted after porting functions manually.",
 186                                    fg="yellow",
 187                                ),
 188                                level=1,
 189                            )
 190                        else:
 191                            os.remove(prev_path)
 192                            log(f"Deleted {os.path.relpath(prev_path)}", level=1)
 193                elif verbosity >= 3:
 194                    log(
 196                            f"Full migrations file '{writer.filename}':",
 197                            fg="cyan",
 198                            bold=True,
 199                        ),
 200                        level=3,
 201                    )
 202                    log(writer.as_string(), level=3)
 204    def write_to_last_migration_files(changes):
 205        """Write changes to the last migration file for each package."""
 206        loader = MigrationLoader(connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS])
 207        new_changes = {}
 208        update_previous_migration_paths = {}
 209        for package_label, package_migrations in changes.items():
 210            leaf_migration_nodes = loader.graph.leaf_nodes(app=package_label)
 211            if len(leaf_migration_nodes) == 0:
 212                raise click.ClickException(
 213                    f"Package {package_label} has no migration, cannot update last migration."
 214                )
 215            leaf_migration_node = leaf_migration_nodes[0]
 216            leaf_migration = loader.graph.nodes[leaf_migration_node]
 218            if leaf_migration.replaces:
 219                raise click.ClickException(
 220                    f"Cannot update squash migration '{leaf_migration}'."
 221                )
 222            if leaf_migration_node in loader.applied_migrations:
 223                raise click.ClickException(
 224                    f"Cannot update applied migration '{leaf_migration}'."
 225                )
 227            depending_migrations = [
 228                migration
 229                for migration in loader.disk_migrations.values()
 230                if leaf_migration_node in migration.dependencies
 231            ]
 232            if depending_migrations:
 233                formatted_migrations = ", ".join(
 234                    [f"'{migration}'" for migration in depending_migrations]
 235                )
 236                raise click.ClickException(
 237                    f"Cannot update migration '{leaf_migration}' that migrations "
 238                    f"{formatted_migrations} depend on."
 239                )
 241            for migration in package_migrations:
 242                leaf_migration.operations.extend(migration.operations)
 243                for dependency in migration.dependencies:
 244                    if isinstance(dependency, SwappableTuple):
 245                        if settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL == dependency.setting:
 246                            leaf_migration.dependencies.append(
 247                                ("__setting__", "AUTH_USER_MODEL")
 248                            )
 249                        else:
 250                            leaf_migration.dependencies.append(dependency)
 251                    elif dependency[0] != migration.package_label:
 252                        leaf_migration.dependencies.append(dependency)
 254            optimizer = MigrationOptimizer()
 255            leaf_migration.operations = optimizer.optimize(
 256                leaf_migration.operations, package_label
 257            )
 259            previous_migration_path = MigrationWriter(leaf_migration).path
 260            suggested_name = (
 261      [:4] + "_" + leaf_migration.suggest_name()
 262            )
 263            new_name = (
 264                suggested_name
 265                if != suggested_name
 266                else + "_updated"
 267            )
 268   = new_name
 270            new_changes[package_label] = [leaf_migration]
 271            update_previous_migration_paths[package_label] = previous_migration_path
 273        write_migration_files(new_changes, update_previous_migration_paths)
 275    def handle_merge(loader, conflicts):
 276        """Handle merging conflicting migrations."""
 277        if interactive:
 278            questioner = InteractiveMigrationQuestioner()
 279        else:
 280            questioner = MigrationQuestioner(defaults={"ask_merge": True})
 282        for package_label, migration_names in conflicts.items():
 283            log("Merging {package_label}", fg="cyan", bold=True), level=1)
 285            merge_migrations = []
 286            for migration_name in migration_names:
 287                migration = loader.get_migration(package_label, migration_name)
 288                migration.ancestry = [
 289                    mig
 290                    for mig in loader.graph.forwards_plan(
 291                        (package_label, migration_name)
 292                    )
 293                    if mig[0] == migration.package_label
 294                ]
 295                merge_migrations.append(migration)
 297            def all_items_equal(seq):
 298                return all(item == seq[0] for item in seq[1:])
 300            merge_migrations_generations = zip(*(m.ancestry for m in merge_migrations))
 301            common_ancestor_count = sum(
 302                1 for _ in takewhile(all_items_equal, merge_migrations_generations)
 303            )
 304            if not common_ancestor_count:
 305                raise ValueError(f"Could not find common ancestor of {migration_names}")
 307            for migration in merge_migrations:
 308                migration.branch = migration.ancestry[common_ancestor_count:]
 309                migrations_ops = (
 310                    loader.get_migration(node_package, node_name).operations
 311                    for node_package, node_name in migration.branch
 312                )
 313                migration.merged_operations = sum(migrations_ops, [])
 315            for migration in merge_migrations:
 316                log("  Branch {}", fg="yellow"), level=1)
 317                for operation in migration.merged_operations:
 318                    log(f"    - {operation.describe()}", level=1)
 320            if questioner.ask_merge(package_label):
 321                numbers = [
 322                    MigrationAutodetector.parse_number(
 323                    for migration in merge_migrations
 324                ]
 325                biggest_number = (
 326                    max(x for x in numbers if x is not None) if numbers else 0
 327                )
 329                subclass = type(
 330                    "Migration",
 331                    (Migration,),
 332                    {
 333                        "dependencies": [
 334                            (package_label,
 335                            for migration in merge_migrations
 336                        ],
 337                    },
 338                )
 340                parts = [f"{biggest_number + 1:04d}"]
 341                if migration_name:
 342                    parts.append(migration_name)
 343                else:
 344                    parts.append("merge")
 345                    leaf_names = "_".join(
 346                        sorted( for migration in merge_migrations)
 347                    )
 348                    if len(leaf_names) > 47:
 349                        parts.append(get_migration_name_timestamp())
 350                    else:
 351                        parts.append(leaf_names)
 353                new_migration_name = "_".join(parts)
 354                new_migration = subclass(new_migration_name, package_label)
 355                writer = MigrationWriter(new_migration)
 357                if not dry_run:
 358                    with open(writer.path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
 359                        fh.write(writer.as_string())
 360                    log(f"\nCreated new merge migration {writer.path}", level=1)
 361                elif verbosity == 3:
 362                    log(
 364                            f"Full merge migrations file '{writer.filename}':",
 365                            fg="cyan",
 366                            bold=True,
 367                        ),
 368                        level=3,
 369                    )
 370                    log(writer.as_string(), level=3)
 372    # Validate package labels
 373    package_labels = set(package_labels)
 374    has_bad_labels = False
 375    for package_label in package_labels:
 376        try:
 377            packages.get_package_config(package_label)
 378        except LookupError as err:
 379            click.echo(str(err), err=True)
 380            has_bad_labels = True
 381    if has_bad_labels:
 382        sys.exit(2)
 384    # Load the current graph state
 385    loader = MigrationLoader(None, ignore_no_migrations=True)
 387    # Raise an error if any migrations are applied before their dependencies.
 388    consistency_check_labels = {
 389        config.label for config in packages.get_package_configs()
 390    }
 391    # Non-default databases are only checked if database routers used.
 392    aliases_to_check = connections if settings.DATABASE_ROUTERS else [DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]
 393    for alias in sorted(aliases_to_check):
 394        connection = connections[alias]
 395        if connection.settings_dict["ENGINE"] != "plain.models.backends.dummy" and any(
 396            router.allow_migrate(
 397                connection.alias, package_label, model_name=model._meta.object_name
 398            )
 399            for package_label in consistency_check_labels
 400            for model in packages.get_package_config(package_label).get_models()
 401        ):
 402            loader.check_consistent_history(connection)
 404    # Check for conflicts
 405    conflicts = loader.detect_conflicts()
 406    if package_labels:
 407        conflicts = {
 408            package_label: conflict
 409            for package_label, conflict in conflicts.items()
 410            if package_label in package_labels
 411        }
 413    if conflicts and not merge:
 414        name_str = "; ".join(
 415            "{} in {}".format(", ".join(names), package)
 416            for package, names in conflicts.items()
 417        )
 418        raise click.ClickException(
 419            f"Conflicting migrations detected; multiple leaf nodes in the "
 420            f"migration graph: ({name_str}).\nTo fix them run "
 421            f"'python makemigrations --merge'"
 422        )
 424    # Handle merge if requested
 425    if merge and conflicts:
 426        return handle_merge(loader, conflicts)
 428    # Set up questioner
 429    if interactive:
 430        questioner = InteractiveMigrationQuestioner(
 431            specified_packages=package_labels,
 432            dry_run=dry_run,
 433        )
 434    else:
 435        questioner = NonInteractiveMigrationQuestioner(
 436            specified_packages=package_labels,
 437            dry_run=dry_run,
 438            verbosity=verbosity,
 439        )
 441    # Set up autodetector
 442    autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(
 443        loader.project_state(),
 444        ProjectState.from_packages(packages),
 445        questioner,
 446    )
 448    # Handle empty migrations if requested
 449    if empty:
 450        if not package_labels:
 451            raise click.ClickException(
 452                "You must supply at least one package label when using --empty."
 453            )
 454        changes = {
 455            package: [Migration("custom", package)] for package in package_labels
 456        }
 457        changes = autodetector.arrange_for_graph(
 458            changes=changes,
 459            graph=loader.graph,
 460            migration_name=migration_name,
 461        )
 462        write_migration_files(changes)
 463        return
 465    # Detect changes
 466    changes = autodetector.changes(
 467        graph=loader.graph,
 468        trim_to_packages=package_labels or None,
 469        convert_packages=package_labels or None,
 470        migration_name=migration_name,
 471    )
 473    if not changes:
 474        log(
 475            "No changes detected"
 476            if not package_labels
 477            else f"No changes detected in {'package' if len(package_labels) == 1 else 'packages'} "
 478            f"'{', '.join(package_labels)}'",
 479            level=1,
 480        )
 481    else:
 482        if check_changes:
 483            sys.exit(1)
 484        if update:
 485            write_to_last_migration_files(changes)
 486        else:
 487            write_migration_files(changes)
 491@click.argument("package_label", required=False)
 492@click.argument("migration_name", required=False)
 494    "--noinput",
 495    "--no-input",
 496    "no_input",
 497    is_flag=True,
 498    help="Tells Plain to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.",
 501    "--database",
 502    default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS,
 503    help="Nominates a database to synchronize. Defaults to the 'default' database.",
 506    "--fake", is_flag=True, help="Mark migrations as run without actually running them."
 509    "--fake-initial",
 510    is_flag=True,
 511    help="Detect if tables already exist and fake-apply initial migrations if so. Make sure that the current database schema matches your initial migration before using this flag. Plain will only check for an existing table name.",
 514    "--plan",
 515    is_flag=True,
 516    help="Shows a list of the migration actions that will be performed.",
 519    "--check",
 520    "check_unapplied",
 521    is_flag=True,
 522    help="Exits with a non-zero status if unapplied migrations exist and does not actually apply migrations.",
 525    "--run-syncdb", is_flag=True, help="Creates tables for packages without migrations."
 528    "--prune",
 529    is_flag=True,
 530    help="Delete nonexistent migrations from the plainmigrations table.",
 533    "-v",
 534    "--verbosity",
 535    type=int,
 536    default=1,
 537    help="Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output",
 539def migrate(
 540    package_label,
 541    migration_name,
 542    no_input,
 543    database,
 544    fake,
 545    fake_initial,
 546    plan,
 547    check_unapplied,
 548    run_syncdb,
 549    prune,
 550    verbosity,
 552    """Updates database schema. Manages both packages with migrations and those without."""
 554    def migration_progress_callback(action, migration=None, fake=False):
 555        if verbosity >= 1:
 556            compute_time = verbosity > 1
 557            if action == "apply_start":
 558                if compute_time:
 559                    start = time.monotonic()
 560                click.echo(f"  Applying {migration}...", nl=False)
 561            elif action == "apply_success":
 562                elapsed = f" ({time.monotonic() - start:.3f}s)" if compute_time else ""
 563                if fake:
 564                    click.echo(" FAKED{elapsed}", fg="green"))
 565                else:
 566                    click.echo(" OK{elapsed}", fg="green"))
 567            elif action == "unapply_start":
 568                if compute_time:
 569                    start = time.monotonic()
 570                click.echo(f"  Unapplying {migration}...", nl=False)
 571            elif action == "unapply_success":
 572                elapsed = f" ({time.monotonic() - start:.3f}s)" if compute_time else ""
 573                if fake:
 574                    click.echo(" FAKED{elapsed}", fg="green"))
 575                else:
 576                    click.echo(" OK{elapsed}", fg="green"))
 577            elif action == "render_start":
 578                if compute_time:
 579                    start = time.monotonic()
 580                click.echo("  Rendering model states...", nl=False)
 581            elif action == "render_success":
 582                elapsed = f" ({time.monotonic() - start:.3f}s)" if compute_time else ""
 583                click.echo(" DONE{elapsed}", fg="green"))
 585    def sync_packages(connection, package_labels):
 586        """Run the old syncdb-style operation on a list of package_labels."""
 587        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
 588            tables = connection.introspection.table_names(cursor)
 590        # Build the manifest of packages and models that are to be synchronized.
 591        all_models = [
 592            (
 593                package_config.label,
 594                router.get_migratable_models(
 595                    package_config, connection.alias, include_auto_created=False
 596                ),
 597            )
 598            for package_config in packages.get_package_configs()
 599            if package_config.models_module is not None
 600            and package_config.label in package_labels
 601        ]
 603        def model_installed(model):
 604            opts = model._meta
 605            converter = connection.introspection.identifier_converter
 606            return not (
 607                (converter(opts.db_table) in tables)
 608                or (
 609                    opts.auto_created
 610                    and converter(opts.auto_created._meta.db_table) in tables
 611                )
 612            )
 614        manifest = {
 615            package_name: list(filter(model_installed, model_list))
 616            for package_name, model_list in all_models
 617        }
 619        # Create the tables for each model
 620        if verbosity >= 1:
 621            click.echo("  Creating tables...", color="cyan")
 622        with connection.schema_editor() as editor:
 623            for package_name, model_list in manifest.items():
 624                for model in model_list:
 625                    # Never install unmanaged models, etc.
 626                    if not model._meta.can_migrate(connection):
 627                        continue
 628                    if verbosity >= 3:
 629                        click.echo(
 630                            f"    Processing {package_name}.{model._meta.object_name} model"
 631                        )
 632                    if verbosity >= 1:
 633                        click.echo(f"    Creating table {model._meta.db_table}")
 634                    editor.create_model(model)
 636            # Deferred SQL is executed when exiting the editor's context.
 637            if verbosity >= 1:
 638                click.echo("    Running deferred SQL...", color="cyan")
 640    def describe_operation(operation, backwards):
 641        """Return a string that describes a migration operation for --plan."""
 642        prefix = ""
 643        is_error = False
 644        if hasattr(operation, "code"):
 645            code = operation.reverse_code if backwards else operation.code
 646            action = (code.__doc__ or "") if code else None
 647        elif hasattr(operation, "sql"):
 648            action = operation.reverse_sql if backwards else operation.sql
 649        else:
 650            action = ""
 651            if backwards:
 652                prefix = "Undo "
 653        if action is not None:
 654            action = str(action).replace("\n", "")
 655        elif backwards:
 656            action = "IRREVERSIBLE"
 657            is_error = True
 658        if action:
 659            action = " -> " + action
 660        truncated = Truncator(action)
 661        return prefix + operation.describe() + truncated.chars(40), is_error
 663    # Import the 'management' module within each installed package, to register
 664    # dispatcher events.
 665    for package_config in packages.get_package_configs():
 666        if module_has_submodule(package_config.module, "management"):
 667            import_module(".management",
 669    # Get the database we're operating from
 670    connection = connections[database]
 672    # Hook for backends needing any database preparation
 673    connection.prepare_database()
 675    # Work out which packages have migrations and which do not
 676    executor = MigrationExecutor(connection, migration_progress_callback)
 678    # Raise an error if any migrations are applied before their dependencies.
 679    executor.loader.check_consistent_history(connection)
 681    # Before anything else, see if there's conflicting packages and drop out
 682    # hard if there are any
 683    conflicts = executor.loader.detect_conflicts()
 684    if conflicts:
 685        name_str = "; ".join(
 686            "{} in {}".format(", ".join(names), package)
 687            for package, names in conflicts.items()
 688        )
 689        raise click.ClickException(
 690            "Conflicting migrations detected; multiple leaf nodes in the "
 691            "migration graph: (%s).\nTo fix them run "
 692            "'python makemigrations --merge'" % name_str
 693        )
 695    # If they supplied command line arguments, work out what they mean.
 696    target_package_labels_only = True
 697    if package_label:
 698        try:
 699            packages.get_package_config(package_label)
 700        except LookupError as err:
 701            raise click.ClickException(str(err))
 702        if run_syncdb:
 703            if package_label in executor.loader.migrated_packages:
 704                raise click.ClickException(
 705                    f"Can't use run_syncdb with package '{package_label}' as it has migrations."
 706                )
 707        elif package_label not in executor.loader.migrated_packages:
 708            raise click.ClickException(
 709                f"Package '{package_label}' does not have migrations."
 710            )
 712    if package_label and migration_name:
 713        if migration_name == "zero":
 714            targets = [(package_label, None)]
 715        else:
 716            try:
 717                migration = executor.loader.get_migration_by_prefix(
 718                    package_label, migration_name
 719                )
 720            except AmbiguityError:
 721                raise click.ClickException(
 722                    f"More than one migration matches '{migration_name}' in package '{package_label}'. "
 723                    "Please be more specific."
 724                )
 725            except KeyError:
 726                raise click.ClickException(
 727                    f"Cannot find a migration matching '{migration_name}' from package '{package_label}'."
 728                )
 729            target = (package_label,
 730            if (
 731                target not in executor.loader.graph.nodes
 732                and target in executor.loader.replacements
 733            ):
 734                incomplete_migration = executor.loader.replacements[target]
 735                target = incomplete_migration.replaces[-1]
 736            targets = [target]
 737        target_package_labels_only = False
 738    elif package_label:
 739        targets = [
 740            key for key in executor.loader.graph.leaf_nodes() if key[0] == package_label
 741        ]
 742    else:
 743        targets = executor.loader.graph.leaf_nodes()
 745    if prune:
 746        if not package_label:
 747            raise click.ClickException(
 748                "Migrations can be pruned only when a package is specified."
 749            )
 750        if verbosity > 0:
 751            click.echo("Pruning migrations:", color="cyan")
 752        to_prune = set(executor.loader.applied_migrations) - set(
 753            executor.loader.disk_migrations
 754        )
 755        squashed_migrations_with_deleted_replaced_migrations = [
 756            migration_key
 757            for migration_key, migration_obj in executor.loader.replacements.items()
 758            if any(replaced in to_prune for replaced in migration_obj.replaces)
 759        ]
 760        if squashed_migrations_with_deleted_replaced_migrations:
 761            click.echo(
 763                    "  Cannot use --prune because the following squashed "
 764                    "migrations have their 'replaces' attributes and may not "
 765                    "be recorded as applied:",
 766                    fg="yellow",
 767                )
 768            )
 769            for migration in squashed_migrations_with_deleted_replaced_migrations:
 770                package, name = migration
 771                click.echo(f"    {package}.{name}")
 772            click.echo(
 774                    "  Re-run ' migrate' if they are not marked as "
 775                    "applied, and remove 'replaces' attributes in their "
 776                    "Migration classes.",
 777                    fg="yellow",
 778                )
 779            )
 780        else:
 781            to_prune = sorted(
 782                migration for migration in to_prune if migration[0] == package_label
 783            )
 784            if to_prune:
 785                for migration in to_prune:
 786                    package, name = migration
 787                    if verbosity > 0:
 788                        click.echo(
 789                  "  Pruning {package}.{name}", fg="yellow"),
 790                            nl=False,
 791                        )
 792                    executor.recorder.record_unapplied(package, name)
 793                    if verbosity > 0:
 794                        click.echo(" OK", fg="green"))
 795            elif verbosity > 0:
 796                click.echo("  No migrations to prune.")
 798    migration_plan = executor.migration_plan(targets)
 800    if plan:
 801        click.echo("Planned operations:", color="cyan")
 802        if not migration_plan:
 803            click.echo("  No planned migration operations.")
 804        else:
 805            for migration, backwards in migration_plan:
 806                click.echo(str(migration), color="cyan")
 807                for operation in migration.operations:
 808                    message, is_error = describe_operation(operation, backwards)
 809                    if is_error:
 810                        click.echo("    " + message, fg="yellow")
 811                    else:
 812                        click.echo("    " + message)
 813        if check_unapplied:
 814            sys.exit(1)
 815        return
 817    if check_unapplied:
 818        if migration_plan:
 819            sys.exit(1)
 820        return
 822    if prune:
 823        return
 825    # At this point, ignore run_syncdb if there aren't any packages to sync.
 826    run_syncdb = run_syncdb and executor.loader.unmigrated_packages
 827    # Print some useful info
 828    if verbosity >= 1:
 829        click.echo("Operations to perform:", color="cyan")
 830        if run_syncdb:
 831            if package_label:
 832                click.echo(
 833                    f"  Synchronize unmigrated package: {package_label}", color="yellow"
 834                )
 835            else:
 836                click.echo(
 837                    "  Synchronize unmigrated packages: "
 838                    + (", ".join(sorted(executor.loader.unmigrated_packages))),
 839                    color="yellow",
 840                )
 841        if target_package_labels_only:
 842            click.echo(
 843                "  Apply all migrations: "
 844                + (", ".join(sorted({a for a, n in targets})) or "(none)"),
 845                color="yellow",
 846            )
 847        else:
 848            if targets[0][1] is None:
 849                click.echo(f"  Unapply all migrations: {targets[0][0]}", color="yellow")
 850            else:
 851                click.echo(
 852                    f"  Target specific migration: {targets[0][1]}, from {targets[0][0]}",
 853                    color="yellow",
 854                )
 856    pre_migrate_state = executor._create_project_state(with_applied_migrations=True)
 858    # Run the syncdb phase.
 859    if run_syncdb:
 860        if verbosity >= 1:
 861            click.echo("Synchronizing packages without migrations:", color="cyan")
 862        if package_label:
 863            sync_packages(connection, [package_label])
 864        else:
 865            sync_packages(connection, executor.loader.unmigrated_packages)
 867    # Migrate!
 868    if verbosity >= 1:
 869        click.echo("Running migrations:", color="cyan")
 870    if not migration_plan:
 871        if verbosity >= 1:
 872            click.echo("  No migrations to apply.")
 873            # If there's changes that aren't in migrations yet, tell them
 874            # how to fix it.
 875            autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(
 876                executor.loader.project_state(),
 877                ProjectState.from_packages(packages),
 878            )
 879            changes = autodetector.changes(graph=executor.loader.graph)
 880            if changes:
 881                click.echo(
 883                        f"  Your models in package(s): {', '.join(repr(package) for package in sorted(changes))} "
 884                        "have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied.",
 885                        fg="yellow",
 886                    )
 887                )
 888                click.echo(
 890                        "  Run ' makemigrations' to make new "
 891                        "migrations, and then re-run ' migrate' to "
 892                        "apply them.",
 893                        fg="yellow",
 894                    )
 895                )
 896    else:
 897        post_migrate_state = executor.migrate(
 898            targets,
 899            plan=migration_plan,
 900            state=pre_migrate_state.clone(),
 901            fake=fake,
 902            fake_initial=fake_initial,
 903        )
 904        # post_migrate signals have access to all models. Ensure that all models
 905        # are reloaded in case any are delayed.
 906        post_migrate_state.clear_delayed_packages_cache()
 907        post_migrate_packages = post_migrate_state.packages
 909        # Re-render models of real packages to include relationships now that
 910        # we've got a final state. This wouldn't be necessary if real packages
 911        # models were rendered with relationships in the first place.
 912        with post_migrate_packages.bulk_update():
 913            model_keys = []
 914            for model_state in post_migrate_packages.real_models:
 915                model_key = model_state.package_label, model_state.name_lower
 916                model_keys.append(model_key)
 917                post_migrate_packages.unregister_model(*model_key)
 918        post_migrate_packages.render_multiple(
 919            [ModelState.from_model(packages.get_model(*model)) for model in model_keys]
 920        )
 927    "--check",
 928    is_flag=True,
 929    help="Exit with a non-zero status if the migration can be optimized.",
 932    "-v",
 933    "--verbosity",
 934    type=int,
 935    default=1,
 936    help="Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output",
 938def optimize_migration(package_label, migration_name, check, verbosity):
 939    """Optimizes the operations for the named migration."""
 940    try:
 941        packages.get_package_config(package_label)
 942    except LookupError as err:
 943        raise click.ClickException(str(err))
 945    # Load the current graph state.
 946    loader = MigrationLoader(None)
 947    if package_label not in loader.migrated_packages:
 948        raise click.ClickException(
 949            f"Package '{package_label}' does not have migrations."
 950        )
 952    # Find a migration.
 953    try:
 954        migration = loader.get_migration_by_prefix(package_label, migration_name)
 955    except AmbiguityError:
 956        raise click.ClickException(
 957            f"More than one migration matches '{migration_name}' in package "
 958            f"'{package_label}'. Please be more specific."
 959        )
 960    except KeyError:
 961        raise click.ClickException(
 962            f"Cannot find a migration matching '{migration_name}' from package "
 963            f"'{package_label}'."
 964        )
 966    # Optimize the migration.
 967    optimizer = MigrationOptimizer()
 968    new_operations = optimizer.optimize(migration.operations, migration.package_label)
 969    if len(migration.operations) == len(new_operations):
 970        if verbosity > 0:
 971            click.echo("No optimizations possible.")
 972        return
 973    else:
 974        if verbosity > 0:
 975            click.echo(
 976                f"Optimizing from {len(migration.operations)} operations to {len(new_operations)} operations."
 977            )
 978        if check:
 979            sys.exit(1)
 981    # Set the new migration optimizations.
 982    migration.operations = new_operations
 984    # Write out the optimized migration file.
 985    writer = MigrationWriter(migration)
 986    migration_file_string = writer.as_string()
 987    if writer.needs_manual_porting:
 988        if migration.replaces:
 989            raise click.ClickException(
 990                "Migration will require manual porting but is already a squashed "
 991                "migration.\nTransition to a normal migration first."
 992            )
 993        # Make a new migration with those operations.
 994        subclass = type(
 995            "Migration",
 996            (migrations.Migration,),
 997            {
 998                "dependencies": migration.dependencies,
 999                "operations": new_operations,
1000                "replaces": [(migration.package_label,],
1001            },
1002        )
1003        optimized_migration_name = f"{}_optimized"
1004        optimized_migration = subclass(optimized_migration_name, package_label)
1005        writer = MigrationWriter(optimized_migration)
1006        migration_file_string = writer.as_string()
1007        if verbosity > 0:
1008            click.echo("Manual porting required", fg="yellow", bold=True))
1009            click.echo(
1010                "  Your migrations contained functions that must be manually "
1011                "copied over,\n"
1012                "  as we could not safely copy their implementation.\n"
1013                "  See the comment at the top of the optimized migration for "
1014                "details."
1015            )
1017    with open(writer.path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
1018        fh.write(migration_file_string)
1020    if verbosity > 0:
1021        click.echo(
1022  "Optimized migration {writer.path}", fg="green", bold=True)
1023        )
1027@click.argument("package_labels", nargs=-1)
1029    "--database",
1030    default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS,
1031    help="Nominates a database to show migrations for. Defaults to the 'default' database.",
1034    "--format",
1035    type=click.Choice(["list", "plan"]),
1036    default="list",
1037    help="Output format.",
1040    "-v",
1041    "--verbosity",
1042    type=int,
1043    default=1,
1044    help="Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output",
1046def show_migrations(package_labels, database, format, verbosity):
1047    """Shows all available migrations for the current project"""
1049    def _validate_package_names(package_names):
1050        has_bad_names = False
1051        for package_name in package_names:
1052            try:
1053                packages.get_package_config(package_name)
1054            except LookupError as err:
1055                click.echo(str(err), err=True)
1056                has_bad_names = True
1057        if has_bad_names:
1058            sys.exit(2)
1060    def show_list(connection, package_names):
1061        """
1062        Show a list of all migrations on the system, or only those of
1063        some named packages.
1064        """
1065        # Load migrations from disk/DB
1066        loader = MigrationLoader(connection, ignore_no_migrations=True)
1067        recorder = MigrationRecorder(connection)
1068        recorded_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
1069        graph = loader.graph
1070        # If we were passed a list of packages, validate it
1071        if package_names:
1072            _validate_package_names(package_names)
1073        # Otherwise, show all packages in alphabetic order
1074        else:
1075            package_names = sorted(loader.migrated_packages)
1076        # For each app, print its migrations in order from oldest (roots) to
1077        # newest (leaves).
1078        for package_name in package_names:
1079            click.secho(package_name, fg="cyan", bold=True)
1080            shown = set()
1081            for node in graph.leaf_nodes(package_name):
1082                for plan_node in graph.forwards_plan(node):
1083                    if plan_node not in shown and plan_node[0] == package_name:
1084                        # Give it a nice title if it's a squashed one
1085                        title = plan_node[1]
1086                        if graph.nodes[plan_node].replaces:
1087                            title += f" ({len(graph.nodes[plan_node].replaces)} squashed migrations)"
1088                        applied_migration = loader.applied_migrations.get(plan_node)
1089                        # Mark it as applied/unapplied
1090                        if applied_migration:
1091                            if plan_node in recorded_migrations:
1092                                output = f" [X] {title}"
1093                            else:
1094                                title += " Run ' migrate' to finish recording."
1095                                output = f" [-] {title}"
1096                            if verbosity >= 2 and hasattr(applied_migration, "applied"):
1097                                output += f" (applied at {applied_migration.applied.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')})"
1098                            click.echo(output)
1099                        else:
1100                            click.echo(f" [ ] {title}")
1101                        shown.add(plan_node)
1102            # If we didn't print anything, then a small message
1103            if not shown:
1104                click.secho(" (no migrations)", fg="red")
1106    def show_plan(connection, package_names):
1107        """
1108        Show all known migrations (or only those of the specified package_names)
1109        in the order they will be applied.
1110        """
1111        # Load migrations from disk/DB
1112        loader = MigrationLoader(connection)
1113        graph = loader.graph
1114        if package_names:
1115            _validate_package_names(package_names)
1116            targets = [key for key in graph.leaf_nodes() if key[0] in package_names]
1117        else:
1118            targets = graph.leaf_nodes()
1119        plan = []
1120        seen = set()
1122        # Generate the plan
1123        for target in targets:
1124            for migration in graph.forwards_plan(target):
1125                if migration not in seen:
1126                    node = graph.node_map[migration]
1127                    plan.append(node)
1128                    seen.add(migration)
1130        # Output
1131        def print_deps(node):
1132            out = []
1133            for parent in sorted(node.parents):
1134                out.append(f"{parent.key[0]}.{parent.key[1]}")
1135            if out:
1136                return f" ... ({', '.join(out)})"
1137            return ""
1139        for node in plan:
1140            deps = ""
1141            if verbosity >= 2:
1142                deps = print_deps(node)
1143            if node.key in loader.applied_migrations:
1144                click.echo(f"[X]  {node.key[0]}.{node.key[1]}{deps}")
1145            else:
1146                click.echo(f"[ ]  {node.key[0]}.{node.key[1]}{deps}")
1147        if not plan:
1148            click.secho("(no migrations)", fg="red")
1150    # Get the database we're operating from
1151    connection = connections[database]
1153    if format == "plan":
1154        show_plan(connection, package_labels)
1155    else:
1156        show_list(connection, package_labels)
1161@click.argument("start_migration_name", required=False)
1164    "--no-optimize",
1165    is_flag=True,
1166    help="Do not try to optimize the squashed operations.",
1169    "--noinput",
1170    "--no-input",
1171    "no_input",
1172    is_flag=True,
1173    help="Tells Plain to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.",
1175@click.option("--squashed-name", help="Sets the name of the new squashed migration.")
1177    "-v",
1178    "--verbosity",
1179    type=int,
1180    default=1,
1181    help="Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=verbose output, 3=very verbose output",
1183def squash_migrations(
1184    package_label,
1185    start_migration_name,
1186    migration_name,
1187    no_optimize,
1188    no_input,
1189    squashed_name,
1190    verbosity,
1192    """
1193    Squashes an existing set of migrations (from first until specified) into a single new one.
1194    """
1195    interactive = not no_input
1197    def find_migration(loader, package_label, name):
1198        try:
1199            return loader.get_migration_by_prefix(package_label, name)
1200        except AmbiguityError:
1201            raise click.ClickException(
1202                f"More than one migration matches '{name}' in package '{package_label}'. Please be more specific."
1203            )
1204        except KeyError:
1205            raise click.ClickException(
1206                f"Cannot find a migration matching '{name}' from package '{package_label}'."
1207            )
1209    # Validate package_label
1210    try:
1211        packages.get_package_config(package_label)
1212    except LookupError as err:
1213        raise click.ClickException(str(err))
1215    # Load the current graph state, check the app and migration they asked for exists
1216    loader = MigrationLoader(connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS])
1217    if package_label not in loader.migrated_packages:
1218        raise click.ClickException(
1219            f"Package '{package_label}' does not have migrations (so squashmigrations on it makes no sense)"
1220        )
1222    migration = find_migration(loader, package_label, migration_name)
1224    # Work out the list of predecessor migrations
1225    migrations_to_squash = [
1226        loader.get_migration(al, mn)
1227        for al, mn in loader.graph.forwards_plan(
1228            (migration.package_label,
1229        )
1230        if al == migration.package_label
1231    ]
1233    if start_migration_name:
1234        start_migration = find_migration(loader, package_label, start_migration_name)
1235        start = loader.get_migration(
1236            start_migration.package_label,
1237        )
1238        try:
1239            start_index = migrations_to_squash.index(start)
1240            migrations_to_squash = migrations_to_squash[start_index:]
1241        except ValueError:
1242            raise click.ClickException(
1243                f"The migration '{start_migration}' cannot be found. Maybe it comes after "
1244                f"the migration '{migration}'?\n"
1245                f"Have a look at:\n"
1246                f"  python showmigrations {package_label}\n"
1247                f"to debug this issue."
1248            )
1250    # Tell them what we're doing and optionally ask if we should proceed
1251    if verbosity > 0 or interactive:
1252        click.secho("Will squash the following migrations:", fg="cyan", bold=True)
1253        for migration in migrations_to_squash:
1254            click.echo(f" - {}")
1256        if interactive:
1257            if not click.confirm("Do you wish to proceed?"):
1258                return
1260    # Load the operations from all those migrations and concat together,
1261    # along with collecting external dependencies and detecting double-squashing
1262    operations = []
1263    dependencies = set()
1264    # We need to take all dependencies from the first migration in the list
1265    # as it may be 0002 depending on 0001
1266    first_migration = True
1267    for smigration in migrations_to_squash:
1268        if smigration.replaces:
1269            raise click.ClickException(
1270                "You cannot squash squashed migrations! Please transition it to a "
1271                "normal migration first"
1272            )
1273        operations.extend(smigration.operations)
1274        for dependency in smigration.dependencies:
1275            if isinstance(dependency, SwappableTuple):
1276                if settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL == dependency.setting:
1277                    dependencies.add(("__setting__", "AUTH_USER_MODEL"))
1278                else:
1279                    dependencies.add(dependency)
1280            elif dependency[0] != smigration.package_label or first_migration:
1281                dependencies.add(dependency)
1282        first_migration = False
1284    if no_optimize:
1285        if verbosity > 0:
1286            click.secho("(Skipping optimization.)", fg="yellow")
1287        new_operations = operations
1288    else:
1289        if verbosity > 0:
1290            click.secho("Optimizing...", fg="cyan")
1292        optimizer = MigrationOptimizer()
1293        new_operations = optimizer.optimize(operations, migration.package_label)
1295        if verbosity > 0:
1296            if len(new_operations) == len(operations):
1297                click.echo("  No optimizations possible.")
1298            else:
1299                click.echo(
1300                    f"  Optimized from {len(operations)} operations to {len(new_operations)} operations."
1301                )
1303    # Work out the value of replaces (any squashed ones we're re-squashing)
1304    # need to feed their replaces into ours
1305    replaces = []
1306    for migration in migrations_to_squash:
1307        if migration.replaces:
1308            replaces.extend(migration.replaces)
1309        else:
1310            replaces.append((migration.package_label,
1312    # Make a new migration with those operations
1313    subclass = type(
1314        "Migration",
1315        (migrations.Migration,),
1316        {
1317            "dependencies": dependencies,
1318            "operations": new_operations,
1319            "replaces": replaces,
1320        },
1321    )
1322    if start_migration_name:
1323        if squashed_name:
1324            # Use the name from --squashed-name
1325            prefix, _ ="_", 1)
1326            name = f"{prefix}_{squashed_name}"
1327        else:
1328            # Generate a name
1329            name = f"{}_squashed_{}"
1330        new_migration = subclass(name, package_label)
1331    else:
1332        name = f"0001_{'squashed_' + if not squashed_name else squashed_name}"
1333        new_migration = subclass(name, package_label)
1334        new_migration.initial = True
1336    # Write out the new migration file
1337    writer = MigrationWriter(new_migration)
1338    if os.path.exists(writer.path):
1339        raise click.ClickException(
1340            f"Migration {} already exists. Use a different name."
1341        )
1342    with open(writer.path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
1343        fh.write(writer.as_string())
1345    if verbosity > 0:
1346        click.secho(
1347            f"Created new squashed migration {writer.path}", fg="green", bold=True
1348        )
1349        click.echo(
1350            "  You should commit this migration but leave the old ones in place;\n"
1351            "  the new migration will be used for new installs. Once you are sure\n"
1352            "  all instances of the codebase have applied the migrations you squashed,\n"
1353            "  you can delete them."
1354        )
1355        if writer.needs_manual_porting:
1356            click.secho("Manual porting required", fg="yellow", bold=True)
1357            click.echo(
1358                "  Your migrations contained functions that must be manually copied over,\n"
1359                "  as we could not safely copy their implementation.\n"
1360                "  See the comment at the top of the squashed migration for details."
1361            )