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An admin interface for admin users.

The Plain Admin is a new package built from the ground up. It leverages class-based views and standard URLs and templates to provide a flexible admin where you can quickly create your own pages and cards, in addition to models.

  • cards
  • dashboards
  • diy forms
  • detached from login (do your own login (oauth, passkeys, etc))


  • install plain.admin and plain.htmx, add plain.admin.admin and plain.htmx to installed packages
  • add url

Models in the admin


{% load toolbar %} <!doctype html>

... {% toolbar %} ... ```

More specific settings can be found below.

Tailwind CSS

This package is styled with Tailwind CSS, and pairs well with plain-tailwind.

If you are using your own Tailwind implementation, you can modify the "content" in your Tailwind config to include any Plain packages:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  content: [
    // ...
  // ...

If you aren't using Tailwind, and don't intend to, open an issue to discuss other options.


The request log stores a local history of HTTP requests and responses during plain work (Django runserver).

The request history will make it easy to see redirects, 400 and 500 level errors, form submissions, API calls, webhooks, and more.

Watch on YouTube

Requests can be re-submitted by clicking the "replay" button.

Django request log



    # ...

The default settings can be customized if needed:


Tailwind CSS

This package is styled with Tailwind CSS, and pairs well with plain-tailwind.

If you are using your own Tailwind implementation, you can modify the "content" in your Tailwind config to include any Plain packages:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  content: [
    // ...
  // ...

If you aren't using Tailwind, and don't intend to, open an issue to discuss other options.


See what your users see.

A key feature for providing customer support is to be able to view the site through their account. With impersonate installed, you can impersonate a user by finding them in the Django admin and clicking the "Impersonate" button.

Then with the admin toolbar enabled, you'll get a notice of the impersonation and a button to exit:


To impersonate users, you need the app, middleware, and URLs:


urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path("impersonate/", include("plain.admin.impersonate.urls")),


By default, all admin users can impersonate other users.

IMPERSONATE_ALLOWED = lambda user: user.is_admin
``` -->
  1import datetime
  2from calendar import monthrange
  3from enum import Enum
  5from plain.utils import timezone
  8class DatetimeRangeAliases(Enum):
  9    TODAY = "Today"
 10    THIS_WEEK = "This Week"
 11    THIS_WEEK_TO_DATE = "This Week-to-date"
 12    THIS_MONTH = "This Month"
 13    THIS_MONTH_TO_DATE = "This Month-to-date"
 14    THIS_QUARTER = "This Quarter"
 15    THIS_QUARTER_TO_DATE = "This Quarter-to-date"
 16    THIS_YEAR = "This Year"
 17    THIS_YEAR_TO_DATE = "This Year-to-date"
 18    LAST_WEEK = "Last Week"
 19    LAST_WEEK_TO_DATE = "Last Week-to-date"
 20    LAST_MONTH = "Last Month"
 21    LAST_MONTH_TO_DATE = "Last Month-to-date"
 22    LAST_QUARTER = "Last Quarter"
 23    LAST_QUARTER_TO_DATE = "Last Quarter-to-date"
 24    LAST_YEAR = "Last Year"
 25    LAST_YEAR_TO_DATE = "Last Year-to-date"
 26    SINCE_30_DAYS_AGO = "Since 30 Days Ago"
 27    SINCE_60_DAYS_AGO = "Since 60 Days Ago"
 28    SINCE_90_DAYS_AGO = "Since 90 Days Ago"
 29    SINCE_365_DAYS_AGO = "Since 365 Days Ago"
 30    NEXT_WEEK = "Next Week"
 31    NEXT_4_WEEKS = "Next 4 Weeks"
 32    NEXT_MONTH = "Next Month"
 33    NEXT_QUARTER = "Next Quarter"
 34    NEXT_YEAR = "Next Year"
 36    # TODO doesn't include anything less than a day...
 37    # ex. SINCE_1_HOUR_AGO = "Since 1 Hour Ago"
 39    def __str__(self):
 40        return self.value
 42    @classmethod
 43    def from_value(cls, value):
 44        for member in cls:
 45            if member.value == value:
 46                return member
 47        raise ValueError(f"{value} is not a valid value for {cls.__name__}")
 49    @classmethod
 50    def to_range(cls, value: str) -> tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]:
 51        now = timezone.localtime()
 52        start_of_today = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
 53        start_of_week = start_of_today - datetime.timedelta(
 54            days=start_of_today.weekday()
 55        )
 56        start_of_month = start_of_today.replace(day=1)
 57        start_of_quarter = start_of_today.replace(
 58            month=((start_of_today.month - 1) // 3) * 3 + 1, day=1
 59        )
 60        start_of_year = start_of_today.replace(month=1, day=1)
 62        def end_of_day(dt):
 63            return dt.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=999999)
 65        def end_of_month(dt):
 66            last_day = monthrange(dt.year, dt.month)[1]
 67            return end_of_day(dt.replace(day=last_day))
 69        def end_of_quarter(dt):
 70            end_month = ((dt.month - 1) // 3 + 1) * 3
 71            return end_of_month(dt.replace(month=end_month))
 73        def end_of_year(dt):
 74            return end_of_month(dt.replace(month=12))
 76        if value == cls.TODAY:
 77            return DatetimeRange(start_of_today, end_of_day(now))
 78        if value == cls.THIS_WEEK:
 79            return DatetimeRange(
 80                start_of_week, end_of_day(start_of_week + datetime.timedelta(days=6))
 81            )
 82        if value == cls.THIS_WEEK_TO_DATE:
 83            return DatetimeRange(start_of_week, now)
 84        if value == cls.THIS_MONTH:
 85            return DatetimeRange(start_of_month, end_of_month(start_of_month))
 86        if value == cls.THIS_MONTH_TO_DATE:
 87            return DatetimeRange(start_of_month, now)
 88        if value == cls.THIS_QUARTER:
 89            return DatetimeRange(start_of_quarter, end_of_quarter(start_of_quarter))
 90        if value == cls.THIS_QUARTER_TO_DATE:
 91            return DatetimeRange(start_of_quarter, now)
 92        if value == cls.THIS_YEAR:
 93            return DatetimeRange(start_of_year, end_of_year(start_of_year))
 94        if value == cls.THIS_YEAR_TO_DATE:
 95            return DatetimeRange(start_of_year, now)
 96        if value == cls.LAST_WEEK:
 97            last_week_start = start_of_week - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
 98            return DatetimeRange(
 99                last_week_start,
100                end_of_day(last_week_start + datetime.timedelta(days=6)),
101            )
102        if value == cls.LAST_WEEK_TO_DATE:
103            return DatetimeRange(start_of_week - datetime.timedelta(days=7), now)
104        if value == cls.LAST_MONTH:
105            last_month = (start_of_month - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace(day=1)
106            return DatetimeRange(last_month, end_of_month(last_month))
107        if value == cls.LAST_MONTH_TO_DATE:
108            last_month = (start_of_month - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace(day=1)
109            return DatetimeRange(last_month, now)
110        if value == cls.LAST_QUARTER:
111            last_quarter = (start_of_quarter - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace(
112                day=1
113            )
114            return DatetimeRange(last_quarter, end_of_quarter(last_quarter))
115        if value == cls.LAST_QUARTER_TO_DATE:
116            last_quarter = (start_of_quarter - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace(
117                day=1
118            )
119            return DatetimeRange(last_quarter, now)
120        if value == cls.LAST_YEAR:
121            last_year = start_of_year.replace(year=start_of_year.year - 1)
122            return DatetimeRange(last_year, end_of_year(last_year))
123        if value == cls.LAST_YEAR_TO_DATE:
124            last_year = start_of_year.replace(year=start_of_year.year - 1)
125            return DatetimeRange(last_year, now)
126        if value == cls.SINCE_30_DAYS_AGO:
127            return DatetimeRange(now - datetime.timedelta(days=30), now)
128        if value == cls.SINCE_60_DAYS_AGO:
129            return DatetimeRange(now - datetime.timedelta(days=60), now)
130        if value == cls.SINCE_90_DAYS_AGO:
131            return DatetimeRange(now - datetime.timedelta(days=90), now)
132        if value == cls.SINCE_365_DAYS_AGO:
133            return DatetimeRange(now - datetime.timedelta(days=365), now)
134        if value == cls.NEXT_WEEK:
135            next_week_start = start_of_week + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
136            return DatetimeRange(
137                next_week_start,
138                end_of_day(next_week_start + datetime.timedelta(days=6)),
139            )
140        if value == cls.NEXT_4_WEEKS:
141            return DatetimeRange(now, end_of_day(now + datetime.timedelta(days=28)))
142        if value == cls.NEXT_MONTH:
143            next_month = (start_of_month + datetime.timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1)
144            return DatetimeRange(next_month, end_of_month(next_month))
145        if value == cls.NEXT_QUARTER:
146            next_quarter = (start_of_quarter + datetime.timedelta(days=90)).replace(
147                day=1
148            )
149            return DatetimeRange(next_quarter, end_of_quarter(next_quarter))
150        if value == cls.NEXT_YEAR:
151            next_year = start_of_year.replace(year=start_of_year.year + 1)
152            return DatetimeRange(next_year, end_of_year(next_year))
153        raise ValueError(f"Invalid range: {value}")
156class DatetimeRange:
157    def __init__(self, start, end):
158        self.start = start
159        self.end = end
161        if isinstance(self.start, str) and self.start:
162            self.start = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self.start)
164        if isinstance(self.end, str) and self.end:
165            self.end = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self.end)
167        if isinstance(self.start, and not isinstance(
168            self.start, datetime.datetime
169        ):
170            self.start = timezone.localtime().replace(
171                year=self.start.year, month=self.start.month,
172            )
174        if isinstance(self.end, and not isinstance(
175            self.start, datetime.datetime
176        ):
177            self.end = timezone.localtime().replace(
178                year=self.end.year, month=self.end.month,
179            )
181    def as_tuple(self):
182        return (self.start, self.end)
184    def total_days(self):
185        return (self.end - self.start).days
187    def iter_days(self):
188        """Yields each day in the range."""
189        return iter(
190   + datetime.timedelta(days=i)
191            for i in range(0, self.total_days())
192        )
194    def iter_weeks(self):
195        """Yields the start of each week in the range."""
196        current = self.start - datetime.timedelta(days=self.start.weekday())
197        current = current.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
198        while current <= self.end:
199            next_week = current + datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)
200            yield current
201            current = next_week
203    def iter_months(self):
204        """Yields the start of each month in the range."""
205        current = self.start.replace(day=1)
206        current = current.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
207        while current <= self.end:
208            if current.month == 12:
209                next_month = current.replace(year=current.year + 1, month=1)
210            else:
211                next_month = current.replace(month=current.month + 1)
212            yield current
213            current = next_month
215    def iter_quarters(self):
216        """Yields the start of each quarter in the range."""
217        current = self.start.replace(month=((self.start.month - 1) // 3) * 3 + 1, day=1)
218        current = current.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
219        while current <= self.end:
220            next_quarter_month = ((current.month - 1) // 3 + 1) * 3 + 1
221            if next_quarter_month > 12:
222                next_quarter_month -= 12
223                next_year = current.year + 1
224            else:
225                next_year = current.year
226            next_quarter = datetime.datetime(
227                next_year, next_quarter_month, 1, tzinfo=current.tzinfo
228            )
229            yield current
230            current = next_quarter
232    def iter_years(self):
233        """Yields the start of each year in the range."""
234        current = self.start.replace(month=1, day=1)
235        current = current.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
236        while current <= self.end:
237            next_year = current.replace(year=current.year + 1)
238            yield current
239            current = next_year
241    def __repr__(self):
242        return f"DatetimeRange({self.start}, {self.end})"
244    def __str__(self):
245        return f"{self.start} to {self.end}"
247    def __eq__(self, other):
248        return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end
250    def __hash__(self):
251        return hash((self.start, self.end))
253    def __contains__(self, item):
254        return self.start <= item <= self.end