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Password authentication for Plain.

 1# The views used below are normally mapped in the StaffSite instance.
 2# This URLs file is used to provide a reliable view deployment for test purposes.
 3# It is also provided as a convenience to those who want to deploy these URLs
 4# elsewhere.
 6from plain.urls import path
 8from . import views
10urlpatterns = [
11    path("password_change/", views.PasswordChangeView, name="password_change"),
12    path(
13        "password_change/done/",
14        views.PasswordChangeDoneView,
15        name="password_change_done",
16    ),
17    path("password_reset/", views.PasswordResetView, name="password_reset"),
18    path(
19        "password_reset/done/",
20        views.PasswordResetDoneView,
21        name="password_reset_done",
22    ),
23    path(
24        "reset/<uidb64>/<token>/",
25        views.PasswordResetConfirmView,
26        name="password_reset_confirm",
27    ),
28    path(
29        "reset/done/",
30        views.PasswordResetCompleteView,
31        name="password_reset_complete",
32    ),