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  1from collections import namedtuple
  3import sqlparse
  4from MySQLdb.constants import FIELD_TYPE
  6from plain.models.backends.base.introspection import BaseDatabaseIntrospection
  7from plain.models.backends.base.introspection import FieldInfo as BaseFieldInfo
  8from plain.models.backends.base.introspection import TableInfo as BaseTableInfo
  9from plain.models.indexes import Index
 10from plain.utils.datastructures import OrderedSet
 12FieldInfo = namedtuple(
 13    "FieldInfo",
 14    BaseFieldInfo._fields + ("extra", "is_unsigned", "has_json_constraint", "comment"),
 16InfoLine = namedtuple(
 17    "InfoLine",
 18    "col_name data_type max_len num_prec num_scale extra column_default "
 19    "collation is_unsigned comment",
 21TableInfo = namedtuple("TableInfo", BaseTableInfo._fields + ("comment",))
 24class DatabaseIntrospection(BaseDatabaseIntrospection):
 25    data_types_reverse = {
 26        FIELD_TYPE.BLOB: "TextField",
 27        FIELD_TYPE.CHAR: "CharField",
 28        FIELD_TYPE.DECIMAL: "DecimalField",
 29        FIELD_TYPE.NEWDECIMAL: "DecimalField",
 30        FIELD_TYPE.DATE: "DateField",
 31        FIELD_TYPE.DATETIME: "DateTimeField",
 32        FIELD_TYPE.DOUBLE: "FloatField",
 33        FIELD_TYPE.FLOAT: "FloatField",
 34        FIELD_TYPE.INT24: "IntegerField",
 35        FIELD_TYPE.JSON: "JSONField",
 36        FIELD_TYPE.LONG: "IntegerField",
 37        FIELD_TYPE.LONGLONG: "BigIntegerField",
 38        FIELD_TYPE.SHORT: "SmallIntegerField",
 39        FIELD_TYPE.STRING: "CharField",
 40        FIELD_TYPE.TIME: "TimeField",
 41        FIELD_TYPE.TIMESTAMP: "DateTimeField",
 42        FIELD_TYPE.TINY: "IntegerField",
 43        FIELD_TYPE.TINY_BLOB: "TextField",
 44        FIELD_TYPE.MEDIUM_BLOB: "TextField",
 45        FIELD_TYPE.LONG_BLOB: "TextField",
 46        FIELD_TYPE.VAR_STRING: "CharField",
 47    }
 49    def get_field_type(self, data_type, description):
 50        field_type = super().get_field_type(data_type, description)
 51        if "auto_increment" in description.extra:
 52            if field_type == "IntegerField":
 53                return "AutoField"
 54            elif field_type == "BigIntegerField":
 55                return "BigAutoField"
 56            elif field_type == "SmallIntegerField":
 57                return "SmallAutoField"
 58        if description.is_unsigned:
 59            if field_type == "BigIntegerField":
 60                return "PositiveBigIntegerField"
 61            elif field_type == "IntegerField":
 62                return "PositiveIntegerField"
 63            elif field_type == "SmallIntegerField":
 64                return "PositiveSmallIntegerField"
 65        # JSON data type is an alias for LONGTEXT in MariaDB, use check
 66        # constraints clauses to introspect JSONField.
 67        if description.has_json_constraint:
 68            return "JSONField"
 69        return field_type
 71    def get_table_list(self, cursor):
 72        """Return a list of table and view names in the current database."""
 73        cursor.execute(
 74            """
 75            SELECT
 76                table_name,
 77                table_type,
 78                table_comment
 79            FROM information_schema.tables
 80            WHERE table_schema = DATABASE()
 81            """
 82        )
 83        return [
 84            TableInfo(row[0], {"BASE TABLE": "t", "VIEW": "v"}.get(row[1]), row[2])
 85            for row in cursor.fetchall()
 86        ]
 88    def get_table_description(self, cursor, table_name):
 89        """
 90        Return a description of the table with the DB-API cursor.description
 91        interface."
 92        """
 93        json_constraints = {}
 94        if (
 95            self.connection.mysql_is_mariadb
 96            and self.connection.features.can_introspect_json_field
 97        ):
 98            # JSON data type is an alias for LONGTEXT in MariaDB, select
 99            # JSON_VALID() constraints to introspect JSONField.
100            cursor.execute(
101                """
102                SELECT c.constraint_name AS column_name
103                FROM information_schema.check_constraints AS c
104                WHERE
105                    c.table_name = %s AND
106                    LOWER(c.check_clause) =
107                        'json_valid(`' + LOWER(c.constraint_name) + '`)' AND
108                    c.constraint_schema = DATABASE()
109                """,
110                [table_name],
111            )
112            json_constraints = {row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()}
113        # A default collation for the given table.
114        cursor.execute(
115            """
116            SELECT  table_collation
117            FROM    information_schema.tables
118            WHERE   table_schema = DATABASE()
119            AND     table_name = %s
120            """,
121            [table_name],
122        )
123        row = cursor.fetchone()
124        default_column_collation = row[0] if row else ""
125        # information_schema database gives more accurate results for some figures:
126        # - varchar length returned by cursor.description is an internal length,
127        #   not visible length (#5725)
128        # - precision and scale (for decimal fields) (#5014)
129        # - auto_increment is not available in cursor.description
130        cursor.execute(
131            """
132            SELECT
133                column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length,
134                numeric_precision, numeric_scale, extra, column_default,
135                CASE
136                    WHEN collation_name = %s THEN NULL
137                    ELSE collation_name
138                END AS collation_name,
139                CASE
140                    WHEN column_type LIKE '%% unsigned' THEN 1
141                    ELSE 0
142                END AS is_unsigned,
143                column_comment
144            FROM information_schema.columns
145            WHERE table_name = %s AND table_schema = DATABASE()
146            """,
147            [default_column_collation, table_name],
148        )
149        field_info = {line[0]: InfoLine(*line) for line in cursor.fetchall()}
151        cursor.execute(
152            "SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1" % self.connection.ops.quote_name(table_name)
153        )
155        def to_int(i):
156            return int(i) if i is not None else i
158        fields = []
159        for line in cursor.description:
160            info = field_info[line[0]]
161            fields.append(
162                FieldInfo(
163                    *line[:2],
164                    to_int(info.max_len) or line[2],
165                    to_int(info.max_len) or line[3],
166                    to_int(info.num_prec) or line[4],
167                    to_int(info.num_scale) or line[5],
168                    line[6],
169                    info.column_default,
170                    info.collation,
171                    info.extra,
172                    info.is_unsigned,
173                    line[0] in json_constraints,
174                    info.comment,
175                )
176            )
177        return fields
179    def get_sequences(self, cursor, table_name, table_fields=()):
180        for field_info in self.get_table_description(cursor, table_name):
181            if "auto_increment" in field_info.extra:
182                # MySQL allows only one auto-increment column per table.
183                return [{"table": table_name, "column":}]
184        return []
186    def get_relations(self, cursor, table_name):
187        """
188        Return a dictionary of {field_name: (field_name_other_table, other_table)}
189        representing all foreign keys in the given table.
190        """
191        cursor.execute(
192            """
193            SELECT column_name, referenced_column_name, referenced_table_name
194            FROM information_schema.key_column_usage
195            WHERE table_name = %s
196                AND table_schema = DATABASE()
197                AND referenced_table_name IS NOT NULL
198                AND referenced_column_name IS NOT NULL
199            """,
200            [table_name],
201        )
202        return {
203            field_name: (other_field, other_table)
204            for field_name, other_field, other_table in cursor.fetchall()
205        }
207    def get_storage_engine(self, cursor, table_name):
208        """
209        Retrieve the storage engine for a given table. Return the default
210        storage engine if the table doesn't exist.
211        """
212        cursor.execute(
213            """
214            SELECT engine
215            FROM information_schema.tables
216            WHERE
217                table_name = %s AND
218                table_schema = DATABASE()
219            """,
220            [table_name],
221        )
222        result = cursor.fetchone()
223        if not result:
224            return self.connection.features._mysql_storage_engine
225        return result[0]
227    def _parse_constraint_columns(self, check_clause, columns):
228        check_columns = OrderedSet()
229        statement = sqlparse.parse(check_clause)[0]
230        tokens = (token for token in statement.flatten() if not token.is_whitespace)
231        for token in tokens:
232            if (
233                token.ttype == sqlparse.tokens.Name
234                and self.connection.ops.quote_name(token.value) == token.value
235                and token.value[1:-1] in columns
236            ):
237                check_columns.add(token.value[1:-1])
238        return check_columns
240    def get_constraints(self, cursor, table_name):
241        """
242        Retrieve any constraints or keys (unique, pk, fk, check, index) across
243        one or more columns.
244        """
245        constraints = {}
246        # Get the actual constraint names and columns
247        name_query = """
248            SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`,
249                kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`,
250                c.`constraint_type`
251            FROM
252                information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc,
253                information_schema.table_constraints AS c
254            WHERE
255                kc.table_schema = DATABASE() AND
256                c.table_schema = kc.table_schema AND
257                c.constraint_name = kc.constraint_name AND
258                c.constraint_type != 'CHECK' AND
259                kc.table_name = %s
260            ORDER BY kc.`ordinal_position`
261        """
262        cursor.execute(name_query, [table_name])
263        for constraint, column, ref_table, ref_column, kind in cursor.fetchall():
264            if constraint not in constraints:
265                constraints[constraint] = {
266                    "columns": OrderedSet(),
267                    "primary_key": kind == "PRIMARY KEY",
268                    "unique": kind in {"PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE"},
269                    "index": False,
270                    "check": False,
271                    "foreign_key": (ref_table, ref_column) if ref_column else None,
272                }
273                if self.connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
274                    constraints[constraint]["orders"] = []
275            constraints[constraint]["columns"].add(column)
276        # Add check constraints.
277        if self.connection.features.can_introspect_check_constraints:
278            unnamed_constraints_index = 0
279            columns = {
280       for info in self.get_table_description(cursor, table_name)
281            }
282            if self.connection.mysql_is_mariadb:
283                type_query = """
284                    SELECT c.constraint_name, c.check_clause
285                    FROM information_schema.check_constraints AS c
286                    WHERE
287                        c.constraint_schema = DATABASE() AND
288                        c.table_name = %s
289                """
290            else:
291                type_query = """
292                    SELECT cc.constraint_name, cc.check_clause
293                    FROM
294                        information_schema.check_constraints AS cc,
295                        information_schema.table_constraints AS tc
296                    WHERE
297                        cc.constraint_schema = DATABASE() AND
298                        tc.table_schema = cc.constraint_schema AND
299                        cc.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name AND
300                        tc.constraint_type = 'CHECK' AND
301                        tc.table_name = %s
302                """
303            cursor.execute(type_query, [table_name])
304            for constraint, check_clause in cursor.fetchall():
305                constraint_columns = self._parse_constraint_columns(
306                    check_clause, columns
307                )
308                # Ensure uniqueness of unnamed constraints. Unnamed unique
309                # and check columns constraints have the same name as
310                # a column.
311                if set(constraint_columns) == {constraint}:
312                    unnamed_constraints_index += 1
313                    constraint = "__unnamed_constraint_%s__" % unnamed_constraints_index
314                constraints[constraint] = {
315                    "columns": constraint_columns,
316                    "primary_key": False,
317                    "unique": False,
318                    "index": False,
319                    "check": True,
320                    "foreign_key": None,
321                }
322        # Now add in the indexes
323        cursor.execute(
324            "SHOW INDEX FROM %s" % self.connection.ops.quote_name(table_name)
325        )
326        for table, non_unique, index, colseq, column, order, type_ in [
327            x[:6] + (x[10],) for x in cursor.fetchall()
328        ]:
329            if index not in constraints:
330                constraints[index] = {
331                    "columns": OrderedSet(),
332                    "primary_key": False,
333                    "unique": not non_unique,
334                    "check": False,
335                    "foreign_key": None,
336                }
337                if self.connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
338                    constraints[index]["orders"] = []
339            constraints[index]["index"] = True
340            constraints[index]["type"] = (
341                Index.suffix if type_ == "BTREE" else type_.lower()
342            )
343            constraints[index]["columns"].add(column)
344            if self.connection.features.supports_index_column_ordering:
345                constraints[index]["orders"].append("DESC" if order == "D" else "ASC")
346        # Convert the sorted sets to lists
347        for constraint in constraints.values():
348            constraint["columns"] = list(constraint["columns"])
349        return constraints