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  1"""SMTP email backend class."""
  2import smtplib
  3import ssl
  4import threading
  6from plain.runtime import settings
  7from plain.utils.functional import cached_property
  9from ..backends.base import BaseEmailBackend
 10from ..message import sanitize_address
 11from ..utils import DNS_NAME
 14class EmailBackend(BaseEmailBackend):
 15    """
 16    A wrapper that manages the SMTP network connection.
 17    """
 19    def __init__(
 20        self,
 21        host=None,
 22        port=None,
 23        username=None,
 24        password=None,
 25        use_tls=None,
 26        fail_silently=False,
 27        use_ssl=None,
 28        timeout=None,
 29        ssl_keyfile=None,
 30        ssl_certfile=None,
 31        **kwargs,
 32    ):
 33        super().__init__(fail_silently=fail_silently)
 34 = host or settings.EMAIL_HOST
 35        self.port = port or settings.EMAIL_PORT
 36        self.username = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER if username is None else username
 37        self.password = settings.EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD if password is None else password
 38        self.use_tls = settings.EMAIL_USE_TLS if use_tls is None else use_tls
 39        self.use_ssl = settings.EMAIL_USE_SSL if use_ssl is None else use_ssl
 40        self.timeout = settings.EMAIL_TIMEOUT if timeout is None else timeout
 41        self.ssl_keyfile = (
 42            settings.EMAIL_SSL_KEYFILE if ssl_keyfile is None else ssl_keyfile
 43        )
 44        self.ssl_certfile = (
 45            settings.EMAIL_SSL_CERTFILE if ssl_certfile is None else ssl_certfile
 46        )
 47        if self.use_ssl and self.use_tls:
 48            raise ValueError(
 49                "EMAIL_USE_TLS/EMAIL_USE_SSL are mutually exclusive, so only set "
 50                "one of those settings to True."
 51            )
 52        self.connection = None
 53        self._lock = threading.RLock()
 55    @property
 56    def connection_class(self):
 57        return smtplib.SMTP_SSL if self.use_ssl else smtplib.SMTP
 59    @cached_property
 60    def ssl_context(self):
 61        if self.ssl_certfile or self.ssl_keyfile:
 62            ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(protocol=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
 63            ssl_context.load_cert_chain(self.ssl_certfile, self.ssl_keyfile)
 64            return ssl_context
 65        else:
 66            return ssl.create_default_context()
 68    def open(self):
 69        """
 70        Ensure an open connection to the email server. Return whether or not a
 71        new connection was required (True or False) or None if an exception
 72        passed silently.
 73        """
 74        if self.connection:
 75            # Nothing to do if the connection is already open.
 76            return False
 78        # If local_hostname is not specified, socket.getfqdn() gets used.
 79        # For performance, we use the cached FQDN for local_hostname.
 80        connection_params = {"local_hostname": DNS_NAME.get_fqdn()}
 81        if self.timeout is not None:
 82            connection_params["timeout"] = self.timeout
 83        if self.use_ssl:
 84            connection_params["context"] = self.ssl_context
 85        try:
 86            self.connection = self.connection_class(
 87      , self.port, **connection_params
 88            )
 90            # TLS/SSL are mutually exclusive, so only attempt TLS over
 91            # non-secure connections.
 92            if not self.use_ssl and self.use_tls:
 93                self.connection.starttls(context=self.ssl_context)
 94            if self.username and self.password:
 95                self.connection.login(self.username, self.password)
 96            return True
 97        except OSError:
 98            if not self.fail_silently:
 99                raise
101    def close(self):
102        """Close the connection to the email server."""
103        if self.connection is None:
104            return
105        try:
106            try:
107                self.connection.quit()
108            except (ssl.SSLError, smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected):
109                # This happens when calling quit() on a TLS connection
110                # sometimes, or when the connection was already disconnected
111                # by the server.
112                self.connection.close()
113            except smtplib.SMTPException:
114                if self.fail_silently:
115                    return
116                raise
117        finally:
118            self.connection = None
120    def send_messages(self, email_messages):
121        """
122        Send one or more EmailMessage objects and return the number of email
123        messages sent.
124        """
125        if not email_messages:
126            return 0
127        with self._lock:
128            new_conn_created =
129            if not self.connection or new_conn_created is None:
130                # We failed silently on open().
131                # Trying to send would be pointless.
132                return 0
133            num_sent = 0
134            try:
135                for message in email_messages:
136                    sent = self._send(message)
137                    if sent:
138                        num_sent += 1
139            finally:
140                if new_conn_created:
141                    self.close()
142        return num_sent
144    def _send(self, email_message):
145        """A helper method that does the actual sending."""
146        if not email_message.recipients():
147            return False
148        encoding = email_message.encoding or settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET
149        from_email = sanitize_address(email_message.from_email, encoding)
150        recipients = [
151            sanitize_address(addr, encoding) for addr in email_message.recipients()
152        ]
153        message = email_message.message()
154        try:
155            self.connection.sendmail(
156                from_email, recipients, message.as_bytes(linesep="\r\n")
157            )
158        except smtplib.SMTPException:
159            if not self.fail_silently:
160                raise
161            return False
162        return True